Six pieces of equipment to get the most out of at home exercise

Way back in the time of B.C. (before children) I used to belong to a gym. It was nice. I would do cardio on all the fancy equipment, occasionally dabble in an exercise class, and definitely gawk at all my fellow workout buddies. Because when you don’t have two tiny humans that depend on you for all their basic needs you tend to have a lot more time on your hands for driving to and from the gym, as well as the actual workout itself. 

working out at home

But things are different now and fitting in exercise between working full time and caring for my darling children is a challenge. That’s why since having my first born I no longer pay a gym membership fee. All my exercises are done within the comfort of my own home (or the streets around it) and it’s pretty great. So if you’re a busy mom who can’t find time to make it to the gym or you’d just rather workout at home because of the global pandemic, there’s a few essential pieces of equipment you should have. I want to share with you my six favorite pieces of equipment I use for exercise at home.

My go-to equipment for exercising at home:

1. Dumbbells

Dumbbells are a great way to work strengthening into your at home routine. Resistance exercise (or strength training) has numerous benefits including increased bone density, increasing your muscle mass and metabolism and prevention of joint aches and pains. You should definitely do some sort of strengthening as part of a complete fitness program. You can find dumbbells ranging from very light (1#) to very heavy (20#+). I personally have a set of 5#, 8#, and 10#. This is a nice range for me as I use the lighter weights for arm exercises and the heavier weights for leg exercises.

2.  Exercise band

An exercise band is another great piece of equipment for exercising at home that can be used for resistance strengthening. The bands are wonderful for tying around your legs if you are trying to add more resistance during hip or pelvic strengthening. Exercise bands typically range in resistance level based on their color. Typically the lighter the color the easier the resistance or the more stretch the band has. They make many different types of resistance bands. I personally just have a Theraband I stole from work (shhh…don’t tell) that I use to strengthen my legs and my arms.

3. Exercise ball

An exercise ball is a very versatile piece of equipment you can use for exercising at home. You can use it for core strengthening or stability training by using it during bridges, sit ups, planks, or push-ups. It’s also great for postural strengthening by laying over the top and performing lower and mid trap exercises (T’s and Y’s). A ball can also be wonderful for pelvic mobility exercises during pregnancy by using it to sit or bounce on. I use my ball fairly regularly at home. And if you have one sitting in a corner at home take it out and google exercises with Swiss ball and you are sure to find thousands of fun exercises you can do at home.

4. Yoga mat

I love my yoga mat. It’s soft and feels nice on my palms and on my back when I’m stretching or doing some yoga flows. I tend to get pain along my spine from pressing into the ground if I don’t use my yoga mat while doing stretches or crunches. Plus my mat has a great non-slip surface and it rolls up nicely so I can tuck it away in the corner of our living room for a quick grab when it’s time to exercise at home.

5. Treadmill

I also really love my treadmill. I probably wouldn’t exercise half as much as I do without it, especially in the months from November to March (I do live in Wisconsin). When the weather is crap, or you can’t leave your napping baby you can just hop on a treadmill and put in a few miles. If you’re not a fan of running an exercise bike will achieve the same thing. There are numerous benefits to cardio exercise and getting your heart pumping is also an important part of regular exercise. You can find great deals on used cardio equipment (treadmills, bikes, elliptical) online from people who originally purchased it with high hopes of regular exercise but then found they were only using it as a laundry rack. I’ve gotten a nice elliptical for $15 at a garage sale and my treadmill is my Grandma’s from lord-only-knows when. But hey, it gets the job done.

6. Step tracker

My final favorite piece of equipment for at home exercise is a step tracker. There are many different brands and types on the market but I am referring to any electronic device that will track your steps or activity for the day. I used to have a Fitbit but I currently own an Apple watch. Being able to see exactly how many steps you have taken for the day is extremely motivating. Most step trackers allow you to set individual step goals which is even more encouraging to stay active throughout the day. The general recommendation is to aim for 10,000 steps a day. That is my personal daily goal and when I am close (or not close enough) I find myself wanting to go for another quick walk or chase my toddler around so I can see those little rings flash when I meet my goal.

What’s next?

These are my six favorite pieces of equipment for exercising at home. Do you need all six of these to workout? Nope. Actually, you don’t need any. There are many different ways to exercise at home without using any equipment at all. But I find I am able to get the most out of my exercise as well as partake in more at home exercise with these items. Check out some of my other posts if you are looking for a quick at home full body routine, some pelvic stabilization, or core strengthening. I’ll have more home exercises coming soon.  So be sure to subscribe to Moving Like a Mother to stay up to date on all the latest exercises, tips, and tricks to keep you movin and groovin. 



Why a backpack is better

There are probably 348293498 million different baby diaper bags on the market. Striped, flowered, solid print, one strap, two straps, backpack, satchel…hell there’s probably fanny packs. With so many options it can be very hard to know which is best. So, while I don’t have any opinion on the color or print of your diaper bag (that’s a lie…solid neutral tones are best) I have a strong opinion on the type of diaper bag you select. A backpack is best! No ifs, ands, or butts about it. For the sake of your physical well being please choose a diaper bag, everyday bag, or purse,  that is 2 wide straps and falls about midway on your back…aka a backpack. Here’s why a backpack is better.

Good for your body

A backpack is the most ergonomically friendly baby crap hauler. It distributes the workload evenly over both shoulders and therefore, over both sides of your body. When one side of your body is carrying a heavier, unequal workload it causes the opposing side to have to work extra hard to keep your body upright and in a balanced midline position. This constant extra work load on those muscles can lead to strains, muscle knots, and pain. 

Two wide straps

The diaper backpacks generally have two wide straps. Size does matter. Skinny or string style straps will begin to dig into your shoulders and upper trap muscles after time causing muscle strain and pain. Again, a wider strap will more evenly distribute the workload of the bag. And when you have diapers, bottles, sippy cups, wipes, three changes of clothes, sunscreen, toys, snacks, cellphone, wallet, water bottle and anything else you need to haul along you are gonna want that weight distributed. 

Two free hands

You will have two, I repeat, two free hands. You will need all the hands you can get when you’re trying to purchase something and simultaneously hold your toddler’s hand and put your baby’s pacifier back in. 

No swinging or dangling

With a backpack there won’t be any wild swinging that can come from a single strap bag. When we selected our first diaper bag I was very overwhelmed by all the options at Buy Buy Baby. I cried after first going into the store to register. No joke. So, I quickly picked the first thing I saw which was an attractive looking single strap, large diaper bag with lots of pockets. Even when I used it across my body it would swing all over the place when I tried bending over or reaching far outside by base of support banging into everryyyythinggg. So annoyingggggg. A well fitting backpack stays put right where it should…on your back. 


Honestly, the physical therapist in me is soooo happy that backpacks are in style. These days you can find a stylish backpack to use as a purse or kiddie-crap hauler. I actually have this one below from Amazon for little trips with my kids. It’s smaller and more stylish than the big diaper bag. And its waterproof and easily wipes clean if something get spilled. Plus the zipper opens on the backside so i can keep my wallet in it without fear of theft. 

TUCCH Backpack for Women, Anti-theft Ladies Casual Daypack Backpacks Lightweight Water Resistant Nylon College Rucksack Fashion Shoulder Work Bag for Travel/Business/Girls 15L, Black, Medium

I also think my husband prefers the backpack diaper bag look. It’s more manly and sporty looking than the traditional single strap diaper bag. Kyle can feel like he’s heading out a manly trek through the Wisconsin backwoods…although navigating the rough terrain of the neighborhood playground is a close second. Below is the diaper bag we have and I can honestly say me and my husband are big fans. Lots of pockets, thick well fitting straps, nice neutral color. Several of our family and friends have the same bag and our only issue is knowing which is ours when we go to social gatherings.

Diaper Bag Backpack, RUVALINO Multifunction Travel Back Pack Maternity Baby Changing Bags, Large Capacity, Waterproof and Stylish, Gray

There are a lot of options out there but do your body a favor and select a backpack style bag when picking out a new diaper bag or purse. Trust me, when you’re heading out to family gatherings, fairs, festivals (eventually), or just to the store, you will be grateful to have your 30# bag spread over two shoulders instead of one.


Picking out a diaper bag