Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Pelvic Floor

nutrition tips for the pelvic floor

Your pelvic floor is a crucial part of your body that often goes unnoticed until problems arise. It plays a vital role in supporting various functions, including bladder control, sexual function, and overall stability.

Maintaining a healthy pelvic floor is essential for both men and women, and nutrition plays a significant role in its well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore some nutrition tips to help you keep your pelvic floor in top shape.

Grab our FREE “Ultimate Guide to Core and Pelvic Helath”

We’re excited to share with you our FREE “Ultimate Guide to Core and Pelvic Floor Health.” This comprehensive guide is your key to a healthier, stronger you. Inside, you’ll discover expert insights, essential exercises, and nutrition tips to transform your core and pelvic floor, unlocking a world of wellness and vitality!

Why is Pelvic Floor Health Important?

Before delving into nutrition tips, let’s understand why pelvic floor health matters. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that acts like a sling to support the organs in your pelvis, including the bladder, uterus (in women), and rectum. When these muscles are not working properly, it can lead to various issues, such as incontinence, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction.

When addressing our pelvic floor and our physical function it is always important to look at the body holistically. This includes assessing sleep, stress, and yes nutrition. Don’t get me wrong no one is perfect (myself included) but here are some easy tips you can aim for when it comes to diet and nutrition and the pelvic floor.

Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Pelvic Floor:

1.Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is essential for maintaining bladder health. Drinking enough water can help prevent urinary tract infections and promote regular urination, which can reduce strain on the pelvic floor. Make a conscious effort to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, and remember to adjust your intake if you’re engaging in activities that cause increased perspiration or fluid loss.

2. Follow a Fiber-Rich Diet: A diet high in fiber can help prevent constipation, a condition that can strain and weaken pelvic floor muscles. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes in your daily meals to maintain healthy bowel movements. Some excellent sources of dietary fiber include apples, berries, broccoli, whole wheat bread, oats, and lentils.

3. Incorporate Lean Protein: Protein is essential for muscle health, including the muscles of the pelvic floor. Incorporate lean sources of protein like chicken, fish, tofu, and beans into your diet to support muscle maintenance and repair. These protein-rich foods also provide important amino acids that aid in overall muscle function and strength.

4. Ensure Adequate Calcium and Vitamin D Intake: Strong bones and muscles are essential for pelvic floor health. Calcium and vitamin D are crucial for bone strength. Include dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese in your diet, as they are excellent sources of calcium. Leafy greens like kale and spinach, as well as fortified foods like cereals and orange juice, can provide additional calcium. To support calcium absorption, expose your skin to sunlight to allow your body to naturally produce vitamin D.

5. Practice Relaxing and Strengthening the Pelvic Floor: While not a nutrition tip, it’s worth mentioning that appropriate strengthening and lengthening exercises can significantly benefit pelvic floor health. These exercises involve contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles. Regular practice, in combination with a balanced diet, can help prevent issues like incontinence. Consult with a healthcare professional or a pelvic floor specialist to learn the correct technique and customize an exercise routine for your specific needs.

6. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption: Caffeine and alcohol can irritate the bladder, leading to increased urinary frequency and urgency. If you consume these beverages, do so in moderation and be mindful of their potential effects on your pelvic floor health. Consider alternatives like herbal teas or infused water to stay hydrated without relying solely on caffeine-containing beverages.

7. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Excess weight can put extra pressure on the pelvic floor, potentially leading to weakening and pelvic floor dysfunction. A balanced diet and regular exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce this risk. Aim for a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility training to support overall muscle and bone health.

Grab our FREE “Ultimate Guide to Core and Pelvic Helath”

We’re excited to share with you our FREE “Ultimate Guide to Core and Pelvic Floor Health.” This comprehensive guide is your key to a healthier, stronger you. Inside, you’ll discover expert insights, essential exercises, and nutrition tips to transform your core and pelvic floor, unlocking a world of wellness and vitality!

Remember, a comprehensive approach to pelvic floor health includes both a balanced diet and regular exercise. By following these tips and incorporating them into your lifestyle, you can support the strength and function of your pelvic floor muscles and promote a healthy bladder and bowel function.

Remember that individual dietary needs may vary, so it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a nutritionist for personalized advice. Additionally, if you’re experiencing any pelvic floor issues, consider seeking guidance from a pelvic health specialist or physical therapist.

Check out some health recipes here:

In conclusion, a well-balanced diet that supports overall health can have a positive impact on your pelvic floor. By incorporating these nutrition tips and practicing a healthy lifestyle, you can take proactive steps to maintain a strong and functional pelvic floor, preventing problems and ensuring a higher quality of life.Keeping you moving like a mother!

-Dr. Monica

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How I am managing the stress from running a business, raising kids, and training for a half marathon with the help of the Apollo wearable.

To put it simply, life has been a little crazy lately. In late 2022 I decided to start my own pelvic floor physical therapy practice and I am quickly learning that there is a lot that goes into running a business. I have big goals and every day I strive to improve my business so I can help more women receive the help and care that they deserve. To be blunt, it is a lot and I find that having boundaries between work life and home life is pretty challenging. 

Speaking of home life, while trying to get my business off the ground and running I’m also  doing my best to raise three kids ages five and under. It’s not news to anyone that parenthood is not for the faint of heart. On an average day my mood fluctuates from pure adoration, to frustration, to overwhelm, and back to absolute joy. Phew, motherhood is a trip. 

One thing I have been doing that’s just for me is training for a half marathon. I find that challenging myself physically is a way to channel some of my physical and mental stress. And while I chose  to sign up for a half marathon, sometimes finding the time to fit in longer runs can be a bit stressful. I want to make sure my body is prepared and ready to run 13.1 miles come race day.

How This Affects My Mental Health

Needless to say, all of this has an impact on my mental health and stress level. Some days I can feel myself sitting with a baseline resting anxiety. My mind is constantly circulating between what I’m currently doing and what needs to be done. I try taking some deep breaths or repeating positive mantras but sometimes the anxiety remains. 

I often feel like I’m constantly racing from one thing to the next. Get up, rush to exercise, race to get the kids ready and drop them off at school, run to get to work, and rush back home for the night time routine, and repeat. I know that during times like this my central nervous system fight or flight response is elevated. Falling asleep at night can feel challenging because the “rest and digest” part of my nervous system is having a hard time kicking on. 

And I know, I am not alone in these experiences. As a pelvic health physical therapist I work with numerous women and mothers who experience these same things. In fact research has shown that those experiencing pelvic pain or other pelvic floor dysfunctions may have an upregulated central nervous system. There are strong indications that women hold stress and tension within their pelvic floor muscles.

The Central Nervous System and Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

I spend a lot of time working with these individuals teaching strategies to down regulate the central nervous system and specifically, the autonomic nervous system (ANS).  The ANS controls the body’s automatic functions, like digestion, breathing, reproduction, immunity as well as survival. The ANS works tirelessly to maintain balance in the face of changing conditions within our bodies and the environment. At every moment, the two central branches exert opposing functions on the body: one stimulates action toward survival, while the other calms us down. It is important that people improve their ability to balance these branches and recover from stressors encountered in everyday life. 

One way to measure central nervous system regulation is through the measurement of heart rate variability. Heart rate variability (HRV) is how much our heart rate changes over time that can be used to understand how our bodies are recovering from stress throughout the day. HRV is not only our most accurate measure of how recovered we are, it’s also a measure of adaptability, our ability to adapt to changes in our environment and bounce back from things that try to knock us down. An even more straightforward definition is that HRV is a gauge of our well-being.

Apollo Neuro

The Apollo Wearable

Because I experience these feelings too, I can speak from personal experience on what works and what doesn’t. Lately, I’ve been using the Apollo wearable. Apollo is a wellness wearable that actively improves your body’s resilience to stress, so you can relax, sleep, focus, recover, and feel better. It’s like a wearable hug for your nervous system that helps you be a calmer, more mindful version of yourself. 

Worn on the wrist, ankle, or as a clip attached to your clothing, the Apollo device works by engaging with your sense of touch, delivering silent, soothing vibrations that help you feel safe and in control. Apollo Neuro’s scientifically validated technology uses silent, soothing touch therapy to rebalance and strengthen your nervous system, helping you go from “fight or flight” to “rest and digest”. 

Use the Apollo Neuro app to transition through your day and night, with modes to help you relax, fall asleep, focus, recover, and stay calm and present. Like a workout for your nervous system, consistency is key. The more you use it, the better it works.  

You simply choose a desired setting from your app on your phone  and the wearable does the rest. Personally, I find the soothing vibrations grounding but not distracting. The Apollo seemed to help keep me in the moment instead of letting my mind wander to stress and anxiety about all the things on my to-do list.  While using the Apollo I have found it easier to transition between work life and home life. I also like using it to help settle down at night when trying to fall asleep or when I am finishing up a more intense workout or long distance run. It’s simple to use and can easily be integrated into your day. 

How to Get Your Apollo Wearable

Developed by neuroscientists and physicians, the Apollo wearable has been tested in multiple clinical trials and real-world studies, and is proven to improve heart rate variability (HRV), a key biometric of stress resilience. It’s safe, non-invasive, and appropriate for both adults and children. 

Over time, your body learns to recover from stress more quickly, so you can relax, sleep better, and find deep, meaningful focus, anytime and anywhere. 

Stress is a normal response to being a human. We all have stress. But it’s how you respond to stressors (environmental, physical, psychological or otherwise) that matters. Other helpful ways to manage our autonomic nervous system include diaphragmatic breathing, mindfulness, meditation, aromatherapy, spending time in nature or massage.  The Apollo device works by engaging with your sense of touch through soothing vibrations. It’s easy to integrate into your everyday lie. 

I found that consistency is key when using the Apollo and the more I utilized the various settings on the  device the better I was able to adapt to stressors whether it was coming down from a quick run or transitioning from work to home life. 

Get yours today by heading to their website. After you give it a try I’d love to hear what you think. 

What other strategies do you use to manage stress? Leave a comment below!

-Dr. Monica 

Fall Health & Wellness from BabbleBoxx

This post is sponsored by Babble Boxx. 

Can you believe it’s already September? I mean seriously, where did the time go? Soon we will be swapping our sandals and tank tops for sweaters and tall boots. And with fall just around the corner it’s never too early to start preparing our bodies to maximize our health and wellness. I always say the best offense is a good defense and there are many ways we can set our bodies up for success. Luckily I’ve partnered with Babble Boxx to try out some fantastic products to stay healthy and happy as the cooler season approaches. Check out these six amazing items geared towards fall time health and wellness from BabbleBoxx. 

Apple Cider Vinegar from Bragg

Bragg Apple Cider

I love using apple cider vinegar as part of my “healthy habits” routine. I’ve used it for years because Bragg’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar has special acids, enzymes, and strands of “The Mother” which can help control appetite, manage weight gain, maintain healthy blood sugar levels, and maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Its’ prebiotic elements help with gut health which plays a huge role in our immune system function. One of my favorite ways to use apple cider vinegar is in my homemade salad dressings. For this maple Dijon salad dressing simply blend 1 TBSP of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 TBSP of olive oil, 1/2 TBSP of Dijon mustard, 1 tsp of maple syrup, and salt/pepper. Head to the Braggs website to check out all their amazing products and snag yourself a bottle of apple cider vinegar. You can use code BABBLE10 at to get 10% off your order. 

Mineral 89 Prebiotic from Vichy

Did you know that stress has a damaging effect on the skin barrier and the skin’s ability to repair itself? This can result in visible signs including dryness, redness, dullness, and fine lines. Vichy Mineral 89 Prebiotic face serum was specially designed with mineral-rich Vichy volcanic water, viteroscilla ferment, and niacinamide  to combat these changes brought on by stress.  This prebiotic serum accelerates the skin’s barrier repair while protecting against future aggressors. I tried this serum as part of my daily skin care routine by simply applying 2-3 drops on cleansed skin morning and evening. This Vichy face serum is such a simple way to help take care of your skin as the cooler months approach. Users saw visible results of +45% enhanced radiance, +28% improved texture and -23% reduction in fine lines in only four weeks. 

Fully- Prepared, 100% Plant- Based Meal Delivery from Veestro

We all know I am a big fan of cooking and preparing my own meals. But as a full time working mom of two (soon to be three) I don’t always have the time. I still like to make sure I am fueling my body with healthy, nutrient rich foods. Veestro makes fully-prepared, 100% plant based meals that are shipped straight to your door. They offer a huge variety of chef-crafted, delicious meal options that can be enjoyed knowing you are nourishing your body with healthy organic, non-gmo, plant-based food. Plus the convenience of simply heating and eating is unbeatable. Head to the Veestro website and receive up to $120 off your first 4 shipments with code BABBLEBOX at checkout to apply promotion to order. Offer expires 10/31/21 at 11:59 PM CT. 

Sugar Scrub from Tree Hut

tree hut sugar scrub

Practicing a little self care is one of my favorite ways to relax and unwind. I don’t often have time to run out to the spa or nail salon but luckily a little pampering is easy to do at home with the right products. Tree Hut’s Margarita Citron Sugar Scrub is a great way to quench and brighten dull, dry skin with the juicy scent of Margarita Citron. This sugar scrub has lime enriched with Vitamin C to help improve texture and tone, agave to sooth and hydrate skin, and Shea Butter to deeply moisturize and soften skin in order to promote elasticity. Perfect to use during a warm shower or bath this body scrub will keep my skin looking fresh and bright all year round. You can grab your own Tree Hut Sugar Scrub by heading to

On-The-Go Hydration from HALO

HALO Hydration on the go

Staying hydrated is crucial for our daily health and wellness. Unfortunately many of us are not getting the hydration we need to keep our bodies functioning at optimal levels. HALO offers a guilt-free hydration perfect for everyday use. Their electrolyte powder is a delicious way to turn up the flavor of your water with only 15 calories and 1g of sugar per stick (less than 90% of the market leader). HALO has the vitamins and minerals your body craves formulated with ionic electrolytes for refreshing complete hydration in a delicious, low calorie package. Each stick has 1,200mg of Vitamin C to boost immunity (10x more than market leader) and B Vitamins to maintain energy and support metabolism. Woo woo! These convenient hydration sticks are ideal for healthy hydration anytime, anywhere. Shop now on and use code: HALO20 for 20% off. 

Lip Balm from Flexitol 

Lip Balm from Flexitol

Dry, chapped lips is something I personally battle every fall and winter. That Midwest weather can be harsh on our bodies. If you know you know. Flexitol Lip Balm is the perfect way to protect our lips from the dryness of the environment or provide relief from the drying side effects of certain medications such as those used to treat acne or vitamin deficiencies. This lip moisturizer has an easy application tip and leaves your lips feeling smooth, cool, and hydrated. I am looking forward to using it all year round to help prevent peeling, flaky, itchy lips and relieve painful cracked and chapped lips. Flexitol Lip Balm is non-addictive and non-habit forming, with menthol and camphor to provide cooling relief.  You’ll be sure to find this convenient little tube  in my purse all fall season. Do your lips a favor and grab your own tube on

It’s never to early to start prepping our bodies for healthy living. What are some of your favorite products to keep your body healthy and well throughout the cooler months? Drop a comment and be sure to check out some of these great products above. 


10 Tips For Healthy Sleep

I have struggled with healthy sleep almost my whole adult life. Insomnia is something I’ve battled on and off since college. I blame it on anxiety, stress, or sometimes I believe it might be related to hormonal fluctuations. Anyways, all I know is that it seriously sucks. There is nothing worse than laying in bed and feeling utterly exhausted but not being able to drift off into glorious sleep land. I’ve been the person staring up at the ceiling saying, “Ok, if I just fall asleep now I’ll get 4 hours… Ok, if I just fall asleep now I’ll get 3 hours…” and so on.

What’s more, I know how important it is to get good sleep. Sleep is when our body heals. It’s when we recover. We need sleep. Fortunately, I have learned a tip or two (or 10) that have been very helpful in helping me achieve healthy sleep. These are tips recommended by sleep experts as well as things I have tried that honestly work. Healthy sleep is an incremental component of our total health. Here’s a few more reasons why you need good sleep and how to get it.

Healthy sleep habits

Sleep Hygiene (it’s a thing)

Sleep hygiene refers to our routines that promote restful, uninterrupted sleep. It’s about practicing healthy habits that make it easier to fall asleep and wake up feeling well rested. The Sleep Foundation states, “Sleep hygiene encompasses both environment and habits, and it can pave the way for higher-quality sleep and better overall health.” Good sleep habits can have a positive effect on several aspects of health including improved mental and physical state. And it is a simple and inexpensive component of total health you can easily work on by making small changes. That is of course, if your kids let you. So if your babies are sleeping through the night than you should be sleeping too. Here’s why.

What Happens If You Don’t Sleep

Lack of sleep can have numerous negative effects on our health. Sleep helps restore our bodies and our minds. Inadequate amounts of sleep may cause:

  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Poor concentration or memory
  • Compromised immune system
  • Decreased productivity

There are some health conditions related to an inability to get restful sleep that may need to be treated by the appropriate health care provider. This includes sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, or other diagnosable sleep disorder. Speak to your health care provider if you think medication or a physical or mental health problem may be affecting your sleep.

poor sleep habits

What Does Healthy Sleep Look Like

Getting the appropriate amount of sleep impacts your physical development, mental health, cognition, quality of life, weight loss, and athletic performance. The recommended amount of sleep is between 7-9 hours each night. Children and teens likely need even more. The quality of sleep you get is just as important as the quantity. You should wake feeling well rested and restored. This means no or minimal night wakings due to having to go to the bathroom, environmental disturbances, insomnia, or other.

Check out these 10 tips for improving your sleep hygiene habits. Gradually try implementing some of these changes for healthier sleep and decreasing sleep disturbances.

Tips For Healthy Sleep

Tips For Healthy Sleep

1. Stick To A Routine

Try to rise and go to bed about the same time everyday. This helps develop our circadian rhythms. This is our body’s internal clock that tells us it’s time to be awake or it’s time to go to sleep. Routine also refers to the steps you take throughout the day and especially before bed that help trigger your mind and body that it’s time for sleep. Try to follow the same couple steps each night prior to going to bed.

2. Get Exercise In During the Day

Exercise during the day helps fatigue our body in a good way so we are ready for sleep and rest during the night. If you are having trouble falling asleep you should avoid exercise close to bedtime. Try and get some sunlight and physical activity during the day to help encourage quality sleep at night.

3. Watch What You Eat & Drink Before Bed

Be careful what you eat and drink as it gets close to bedtime. Generally it is best to avoid caffeine after 12 pm. Alcohol can also have a negative effect on sleep. While alcohol may make you sleepy it actually disrupts your sleep or REM cycles and prevents you from getting deep restorative sleep. You should also avoid eating large meals close to bedtime as the digestion process can trigger your body to be awake. Plus having a big meal can cause discomfort and make it difficult to fall asleep.

4. Write Down a To-Do List

Anxiety and stress is one of the main reasons people, especially moms, may have trouble relaxing in order to fall asleep. With mental to-do lists 10 miles long it can be hard to quiet the mind. Try writing down everything on your mind in a “to-do” list. Jot down a list of all the things you want to remember for the next day to help clear your mind.

5. Avoid Screen Time

Try to put away all screens including cell phones, tablets, and even the T.V. 30 to 60 minutes before bed. These devices cause mental stimulation that can be hard to turn off. News or social media can further cause anxiety or stress making it hard to relax prior to bed. Furthermore the blue light that is emitted by these devices has been shown to reduce melatonin production. Melatonin is the natural “sleepy” hormone produced by your body.

6. Have a Wind Down Period for Something Relaxing

Similar to putting the screen away try to incorporate a 30-60 minute wind down period to help relax your body and prepare it for sleep. Instead of trying to get “sleepy” before bed focus on trying to become relaxed. Try reading a book, listening to music, meditating, mindfulness, or diaphragmatic breathing.

7. Turn the Temperature Down

A cool environment has been shown to be optimal for a restful nights sleep. Your perfect temperature may vary but around 65-67 degrees has been found to be best for sleep. Try turning down the thermostat or opening a window depending on your home or sleep environment.

8. Cover Up All Extra Light

Any extra light in your bedroom may be disrupting your sleep. Even a small power light emitted by a T.V. or clock may cause you to wake at night. Set your cellphones to bedtime mode and remove all unnecessary electronics. We have every single power light on our T.V. and receivers covered up in our bedroom by electrical tape. You can also use heavy curtains or an eye mask to block out any extra light.

9. Turn on White Noise

White noise isn’t just for infants. Use a noise machine or turn on a fan to drown out noise. White noise creates a buffer form noise disturbances that may wake you up at night.

10. Keep The Bed/Bedroom For Sleeping Only

Maintain a link between your mind that the bed is for sleeping time only. Avoid using the bed to watch T.V., have a snack, pay bills, or just hang out. Enter the bedroom when you are prepared for sleep. Should you have difficulty falling asleep avoid laying in bed and tossing and turning. If after being in bed for 20 minutes you can not fall asleep get up and stretch, read, get a drink of water or do something relaxing before trying to fall asleep again.

Sleeping Positions


Good For You Sleeping Positions

If pain is preventing you from sleep there are some optimal positions to try for restful sleep. Side sleeping with a pillow between your knees and under your top arm can help reduce pressure on the low back. If you have shoulder pain try partial side sleeping with a pillow behind your upper back. Essentially you are side sleeping with your upper body only 1/3 turned to reduce pressure on the shoulders and the back. A pregnancy body pillow can be an expecting mother’s best friend to improve sleep comfort and reduce pressure on the back and hips. Avoid using too many pillows under your head and neck as this can cause poor neck alignment and muscle strain.

What’s Next?

Practicing healthy sleep habits is one way to improve your total or holistic health. You can think of it as self care but in actuality it is so much more. Try implementing some of these tips if you are struggling with getting a good night sleep. Again always speak with your health care provider if you are struggling to get good restful sleep. Healthy sleep is imperative for a healthy you.

Good luck and sweet dreams.
