The mommy pooch (& how to get rid of it)

get rid of the mommy pooch

First of all. You frickin did it. You grew a human! You’re amazing and you should be so thankful your body was able to do such an awesomely beautiful thing. So take a moment (or longer) to love and appreciate your body. And don’t be so hard on yourself and your body when you don’t immediately get rid of the “mommy pooch” and bounce back into your pre pregnancy self. 

But second, I’m all about doing what makes you happy. And if that little extra tummy that won’t fit into your pre pregnancy pants makes you unhappy let’s get rid of it. So let’s chat about what the mommy pooch is and how we can say good riddance and get rid of the mommy pooch once and for all. 


What is the “mommy pooch”?

When we are pregnant our uterus and stomachs grow as the baby grows. This new growth can place extra pressure on the linea alba which is the tissue that runs down the middle of your 6 pack abs (also known as your rectus abdominis) The added pressure on your linea alba can lead to a separation of your abdominal muscles known as a diastasis recti. A diastasis recti is diagnosed postpartum if the distance between the abs is 2 finger widths or more when measured slightly above and below the belly button.  Around 4 weeks postpartum this separation naturally starts to come back together. However, about 60% of women still have a diastasis recti 6 weeks after childbirth. That’s a lot! 

A separation of the abdominals can be a big contributor to the dreaded mommy pooch. But what’s worse is an untreated diastasis can lead to back pain, pelvic pain, incontinence, and other future pelvic floor issues. 

How to get rid of the mommy pooch

Luckily, there are several simple core exercises that can help to bring your abdominals back together and heal a diastasis recti . These are NOT crunches or sit-ups,  as those exercises can actually make the separation worse. 

You should always wait till you are cleared by your OB and make sure any incisions or tears are healed before beginning an exercise program. Below is a progression of exercises that can help appropriately heal a diastasis, strengthen your abdominals, flatten your mommy pooch. Once you can successfully perform one exercise you can safely move onto the next. 

1.Abdominal (Ab) bracing with breathing– Lay on your back with your knees bent. Begin by taking a deep breath in letting your stomach expand. Then slowly exhale and contract your tummy muscles. Think about pulling your belly button down towards your spine and your abdominal muscles coming together.  Then try to hold this contraction as you breath in and out for 10 breaths. 


2. Ab bracing with heel slide- Perform the ab bracing above and then slowly slide one leg out straight and then bend it back to starting position. Relax your abs and then repeat on the other side beginning with the ab bracing. Keep your belly button pulled in and don’t let your back arch. 10-20 reps.


3. Ab bracing with bent knee march– Perform the ab bracing and then slowly march one knee up to a 90 deg angle. Hold the ab contraction as you slowly lower the leg to the starting position. While holding the ab brace repeat on the opposite leg. 10-20 reps.


4. Ab bracing with table top position– Perform the ab bracing then raise both legs up into a 90 degree position. Maintain the ab contraction as you slowly lower on foot to the ground and then return it to starting position. Repeat on the opposite leg. Do not let your back arch off the ground. 10-20 reps


5. Ab bracing to straight leg raise– Perform the ab bracing. Raise both legs up to 90 degrees. Slowly straighten one leg out so it is parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other leg. Do not let your back arch off the support surface. 10-20 reps


Aim to do these exercises 3-4 times a week and after a few weeks you should start to see your stomach flattening out.  But also remember your uterus had 10 months to grow so cut yourself a break and don’t expect to have abs like Shakira overnight.  

A strong core is the basis for feeling good and getting your body to behave how you want it to. So healing your abdominals and making sure they can contract appropriately is the most important in helping you feel good and getting rid of the mommy pooch.

However, another cause for the mummy tummy can be extra fat that has accumulated from pregnancy. The best way to get rid of that fat is by eating healthy and exercising. HIIT workouts are the most time efficient workouts to burn some extra calories and aiding in getting rid of the mommy pooch. Stay tuned for a future blog post about my favorite HIIT workouts. 

Again, your body is awesome no matter how it looks. What is most important is that we feel strong physically and mentally. But sometimes the way our body looks can negatively impact how we feel. So if that little extra belly pooch doesn’t bring you joy let’s get to work and Marie Kondo that sh*t. 



  1. Kari says:

    HIIT workouts are so good for so many different things! Always a good idea to work these types of days into your rotation!

  2. Raisa Mia says:

    Consistency really is key. So many of us unrealistically (and unhealthily) strive for snap backs immediately after giving birth forgetting that it took our bellies 10 months to grow! Thanks for sharing these exercises that we can do from home!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’ve had great success getting rid of my mom belly with an elimination diet- it’s crazy how much certain things will cause bloat! That plus walking and HIIT workouts have made a huge difference

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