Working Out at Home (With Your Kids)

Working out at home with kids

There are so many amazing benefits to exercise. Increased energy, improved mood, increased life expectancy, stronger muscles, improved circulation, and one of my personal favorites…exercise burns calories so you can indulge in some sweet treats or beverages with less guilt. Sweet!

But it can be hard to find time to get outside for a run or to make it to the gym when you have kids. Also, these days many gyms are requiring you to wear a mask while working out (that sounds tough) or have limited capacity.

So when Adidas asked me to write about how I fit in exercise with my kids at home I agreed to share my go-to, at home, full body, no equipment routine. I was not paid for the article nor am I a spokesperson for the company. There are many pros to working out at home and you can achieve all the wonderful aforementioned health benefits without stepping foot out your front door.

Benefits of At-Home Workouts:

Working out at home

Time effective

Working out at home is incredibly time effective. This is the number one reason I workout at home. No time is wasted getting in the car and driving to the gym. I usually don’t even change what I am wearing. That’s the beauty of wearing cute athleisure attire. You just need to slap on a sports bra and get right to it. And as soon as you’re done you can move onto the laundry, or dishes, change a diaper, or do one of the other 10 million things on that day’s to-do list. 


Doing exercises within the comfort of your own home is totally and completely free. With the exception of possibly having to pay for a few equipment essentials there is nothing else you need to spend money on.


Sure, when you work out at home there are likely millions of toys scattered about on the floor. But, you do not have to worry about germs or sweat from a stranger on your equipment. 

Are at home workouts effective?

Yes, at home workouts are very effective. There are so many different types of workouts you can do at home including strength, yoga, cardio, and HIIT workouts.

And you can switch up the type of exercise so that you achieve even more of a benefit by burning more calories and working different muscle groups.

Also, when you workout at home you are more likely to squeeze in a few minutes of exercise when you might otherwise skip it. So fitting in a quick little strength or cardio circuit while your kids play around on the floor is better than just not exercising at all.


Why I like working out with my kids Working out with kids

Don’t get me wrong, if I am able to get an hour to myself to exercise I LOVE that time. But on the days I’m not able to get away I enjoy working out with my kids. It’s fun to interact with them and be silly while also getting my heart pumping or my muscles burning.

Plus, I believe that having my children see me exercise is good for instilling healthy behaviors and starting a fun relationship with exercise. My son has learned that jumping around or doing downward dog is really fun. He loves joining in and doing his own little toddler version of squats, upward dog, and burpees. And if you’ve never seen a tiny tot do yoga you’re missing out.

My At-Home, No Equipment, Full-Body Workout Routine:

Try my go-to total body workout below. Aim to complete 3 sets but if you can only fit in a set or two that is great! Just do what you can mama. 


  1. Alternating jump squats and jump lunges –Perform 30 reps total
  2. Extended plank toe taps –Perform 10 each leg.
  3. Extended plank hip extensions –Perform 10 each leg.
  4. Skaters –Perform 30 total
  5. Forward step ups with step back lunges on stairs –Perform 10 each leg
  6. Burpees -Perform 10 total
  7. Lateral step ups with kick outs on stairs -Perform 10 each leg
  8. Reverse bridge tricep press up with toe tap -Perform 10 each leg
  9. Modified side plank crunches  -Perform 10 each leg

Repeat this circuit 3 times. Feel free to change the laundry, feed your toddler a snack, or let the dog out in-between sets. 

More ways to work out at home:Working out with your baby

There are many other great ways to fit in exercise at home including:

  • Going for a walk or run with your kids
  • Doing a YouTube video
  • Finding an Instagram routine
  • Using at home equipment (treadmill, bike, elliptical, etc)
  • Dancing with your kids
  • Doing some yoga stretches before bed

For more at home exercise routines you can do with your kids be sure to check out @movinglikeamother on Instagram. Below are some of my favorite athleisure pieces from Adidas that allow you to go from mom life,  to workout, and back again with ease, comfort, and style.



  1. Kelsey says:

    These are great tips! I love working out at home as it saves time and money! I do struggle with kids and pets so I’ll definitely use these suggestions!

  2. Sher says:

    This is adorb!!! Very cute and very useful information. I feel like we have more time being home but we are def working out less.

  3. Amy says:

    I am 8 weeks pp and really looking forward to getting back into exercise! I think my kids will have to be around while I do it so this is a great resource !

  4. Cristina says:

    There are many benefits on working out at home indeed. However, I sometimes lack the motivation to do it and I always find something more urgent to do. I loved your routine. It looks like a good workout.

    • Monica says:

      Yes sometimes finding the motivation is reallyyyyyyy hard! It’s definitely a fun routine and a real bun burner if you know what I mean.

  5. Nishtha says:

    Great post! Yes I am totally in favor of working out at home and involving your family! I have been doing it consistently for just over a year and feel great! Thank you for sharing your ideas in this post!

    • Monica says:

      Yes totally. I bet your 10 month old loves watching you when you exercise. I know mine loves watching me jump around lol !!

  6. Grace says:

    I love the tips and routines listed above. We’ve been using “just dance” as well as regular evening walks as a means of exercising during this lockdown. Great blog post.

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