Understanding Pelvic Floor Tension: Causes, Symptoms, and Expert Solutions

Pelvic floor tension is a common yet often overlooked condition that can affect people of all ages and genders. The pelvic floor muscles, a group of muscles situated at the base of the pelvis, play a crucial role in supporting our core, controlling bladder and bowel function, and maintaining overall stability. When these muscles become tense, they can lead to a variety of uncomfortable and sometimes debilitating symptoms. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the causes, symptoms, and solutions for pelvic floor tension.

pelvic pain

Understanding Pelvic Floor Tension

The pelvic floor muscles are a complex network of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues that act as a supportive hammock for the pelvic organs. These muscles are involved in various essential functions, including:

Supporting Organs: They support the bladder, uterus (in women), and rectum.

Bladder and Bowel Control: They help regulate urination and defecation.

Core Stability: They are vital for maintaining core stability and preventing issues like lower back pain.

Sexual Function: These muscles are involved in sexual function and can influence sexual comfort and pleasure.

Common Symptoms of Pelvic Floor Tightness

  1. Tailbone Pain: The pelvic floor muscles are intricately connected to the tailbone, and tension in this area can cause discomfort and pain in the tailbone region.
  2. Painful Intercourse: For many individuals, pelvic floor tension can result in painful intercourse due to the muscles’ inability to relax during sexual activity.
  3. Pain with Medical Exams: Routine medical exams and procedures may become painful, as the pelvic floor muscles are involved in these examinations.
  4. Hip Pain and Back Pain: Pelvic floor tension can radiate discomfort to the hips and lower back, causing chronic pain and discomfort.
  5. Leaking and Bladder Urgency: Tension in the pelvic floor can interfere with your ability to control bladder function, leading to leaking and a sense of urgency.

Common Causes of Pelvic Floor Tension

  1. Trauma, Birth, and Surgery: Childbirth, particularly vaginal delivery, and surgical procedures in the pelvic area can lead to pelvic floor tension. Trauma from accidents or injuries can also be a factor.
  2. Weakness in Other Areas of the Body: Weakness in surrounding muscle groups or poor posture can contribute to pelvic floor tension as the body compensates for the lack of support.
  3. Stress and Anxiety: Stress and anxiety can manifest physically in the form of muscle tension, including the pelvic floor. This tension can exacerbate the symptoms mentioned above
tailbone pain and pelvic floor tension

How to Address Pelvic Floor Tightness

The good news is that pelvic floor muscle tension can be effectively managed and treated. The key is to seek professional help from a skilled pelvic floor physical therapist who specializes in addressing this condition. Some of the treatments and techniques we use include:

  1. Skilled Myofascial Work: Targeted manipulation of the muscle and connective tissue to release tension and restore mobility.
  2. Dry Needling: A technique that uses thin needles to relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation.
  3. Therapeutic Exercise: Tailored exercises to strengthen and relax the pelvic floor and surrounding muscles.
  4. Central Nervous System Down Regulation: Techniques to calm the nervous system and reduce stress-related tension in the pelvic floor. Diaphragmatic breathing can be a great place to start.
  5. Behavior and Habit Modification: Guidance on adopting healthy habits and behaviors that support pelvic floor health.

Remember that pelvic floor muscle pain and tightness is a treatable condition, and you don’t have to suffer in silence. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms related to pelvic floor tension, seek help from a qualified pelvic floor physical therapist who can provide personalized care and help you regain your comfort and quality of life.


Pelvic floor tightness is a condition that can significantly impact your quality of life, but with the right approach and professional guidance, it can be effectively managed and treated. Understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and seeking help from a skilled pelvic floor physical therapist is the first step towards restoring your pelvic health and overall well-being.

If you have any questions or concerns related to pelvic pain, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I am here to support you on your journey to a healthier and more comfortable life.

Stay tuned for more informative updates in the future!

Keeping you moving like a mother,

Dr. Monica Frydach

Moving Like A Mother Physical Therapy and Wellness

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Master the “Knack” and Say Goodbye to Embarrassing Bladder Leaks

Are those unexpected leaks turning moments of laughter, sneezing, or coughing into a frightful experience? It’s time to regain control over your bladder and wave goodbye to those embarrassing mishaps. Today, we’re excited to introduce you to a simple and effective trick for your pelvic floor known as the “Knack” – your secret weapon against unexpected leaks.

We all know that laughter, sneezing, and coughing are an inevitable part of life. However, what you might not be aware of is that these everyday actions can increase intra-abdominal pressure and put additional stress on your pelvic floor muscles. When your pelvic floor muscles are weakened or unsupported, you become more susceptible to bladder leaks. But fear not, because we’ve got a quick solution to help you overcome this challenge.

Introducing “The Knack”

The “Knack” is a pelvic floor contraction technique that can be employed just before you laugh, cough, or sneeze. By performing this simple maneuver, you are providing your pelvic floor with the extra support it needs to withstand increased abdominal pressure. This straightforward trick can be your shield against those unexpected leaks, allowing you to enjoy life without the constant worry of embarrassment.

It’s essential to note that while the “Knack” is an excellent quick fix to prevent leaks during moments of increased pressure, it might not be a long-term solution for those with persistent bladder issues or pelvic floor problems. Leaking urine with any activity at any age and stage is NOT normal and can be fixed without surgery. You can read more about the pelvic floor here. If you’re experiencing ongoing difficulties, we recommend consulting a pelvic floor physical therapist for a comprehensive evaluation and tailored treatment plan.

Here’s how you can get started with the “Knack” technique:

  1. Take a deep breath and relax your body.
  2. Just before you anticipate a sneeze, cough, or a hearty laugh, gently contract your pelvic floor muscles by squeezing and lifting them.
  3. Maintain this contraction throughout the action.
  4. Release the contraction once the moment has passed.

Remember, practice makes perfect, and with time, you’ll become more adept at employing the “Knack” effortlessly.

Don’t let leaks haunt your daily life any longer! Embrace the “Knack” and experience a newfound sense of confidence in your ability to tackle those spontaneous moments without worry.

We hope this quick trick will make a significant difference in your life. I

Be sure to snag my FREE Ultimate Guide To Core and Pelvic Health. Just click the link below to have it sent straight to your inbox.

Free core and pelvic floor guide downlaod

If you have any questions or would like more information on pelvic floor health, please feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to support you on your journey to a leak-free and worry-free life!

Wishing you dry and delightful days ahead,

Dr. Monica Frydach

Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Pelvic Floor

nutrition tips for the pelvic floor

Your pelvic floor is a crucial part of your body that often goes unnoticed until problems arise. It plays a vital role in supporting various functions, including bladder control, sexual function, and overall stability.

Maintaining a healthy pelvic floor is essential for both men and women, and nutrition plays a significant role in its well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore some nutrition tips to help you keep your pelvic floor in top shape.

Grab our FREE “Ultimate Guide to Core and Pelvic Helath”

We’re excited to share with you our FREE “Ultimate Guide to Core and Pelvic Floor Health.” This comprehensive guide is your key to a healthier, stronger you. Inside, you’ll discover expert insights, essential exercises, and nutrition tips to transform your core and pelvic floor, unlocking a world of wellness and vitality!

Why is Pelvic Floor Health Important?

Before delving into nutrition tips, let’s understand why pelvic floor health matters. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that acts like a sling to support the organs in your pelvis, including the bladder, uterus (in women), and rectum. When these muscles are not working properly, it can lead to various issues, such as incontinence, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction.

When addressing our pelvic floor and our physical function it is always important to look at the body holistically. This includes assessing sleep, stress, and yes nutrition. Don’t get me wrong no one is perfect (myself included) but here are some easy tips you can aim for when it comes to diet and nutrition and the pelvic floor.

Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Pelvic Floor:

1.Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is essential for maintaining bladder health. Drinking enough water can help prevent urinary tract infections and promote regular urination, which can reduce strain on the pelvic floor. Make a conscious effort to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, and remember to adjust your intake if you’re engaging in activities that cause increased perspiration or fluid loss.

2. Follow a Fiber-Rich Diet: A diet high in fiber can help prevent constipation, a condition that can strain and weaken pelvic floor muscles. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes in your daily meals to maintain healthy bowel movements. Some excellent sources of dietary fiber include apples, berries, broccoli, whole wheat bread, oats, and lentils.

3. Incorporate Lean Protein: Protein is essential for muscle health, including the muscles of the pelvic floor. Incorporate lean sources of protein like chicken, fish, tofu, and beans into your diet to support muscle maintenance and repair. These protein-rich foods also provide important amino acids that aid in overall muscle function and strength.

4. Ensure Adequate Calcium and Vitamin D Intake: Strong bones and muscles are essential for pelvic floor health. Calcium and vitamin D are crucial for bone strength. Include dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese in your diet, as they are excellent sources of calcium. Leafy greens like kale and spinach, as well as fortified foods like cereals and orange juice, can provide additional calcium. To support calcium absorption, expose your skin to sunlight to allow your body to naturally produce vitamin D.

5. Practice Relaxing and Strengthening the Pelvic Floor: While not a nutrition tip, it’s worth mentioning that appropriate strengthening and lengthening exercises can significantly benefit pelvic floor health. These exercises involve contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles. Regular practice, in combination with a balanced diet, can help prevent issues like incontinence. Consult with a healthcare professional or a pelvic floor specialist to learn the correct technique and customize an exercise routine for your specific needs.

6. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption: Caffeine and alcohol can irritate the bladder, leading to increased urinary frequency and urgency. If you consume these beverages, do so in moderation and be mindful of their potential effects on your pelvic floor health. Consider alternatives like herbal teas or infused water to stay hydrated without relying solely on caffeine-containing beverages.

7. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Excess weight can put extra pressure on the pelvic floor, potentially leading to weakening and pelvic floor dysfunction. A balanced diet and regular exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce this risk. Aim for a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility training to support overall muscle and bone health.

Grab our FREE “Ultimate Guide to Core and Pelvic Helath”

We’re excited to share with you our FREE “Ultimate Guide to Core and Pelvic Floor Health.” This comprehensive guide is your key to a healthier, stronger you. Inside, you’ll discover expert insights, essential exercises, and nutrition tips to transform your core and pelvic floor, unlocking a world of wellness and vitality!

Remember, a comprehensive approach to pelvic floor health includes both a balanced diet and regular exercise. By following these tips and incorporating them into your lifestyle, you can support the strength and function of your pelvic floor muscles and promote a healthy bladder and bowel function.

Remember that individual dietary needs may vary, so it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a nutritionist for personalized advice. Additionally, if you’re experiencing any pelvic floor issues, consider seeking guidance from a pelvic health specialist or physical therapist.

Check out some health recipes here:

In conclusion, a well-balanced diet that supports overall health can have a positive impact on your pelvic floor. By incorporating these nutrition tips and practicing a healthy lifestyle, you can take proactive steps to maintain a strong and functional pelvic floor, preventing problems and ensuring a higher quality of life.Keeping you moving like a mother!

-Dr. Monica

  • Understanding Pelvic Floor Tension: Causes, Symptoms, and Expert Solutions

    Understanding Pelvic Floor Tension: Causes, Symptoms, and Expert Solutions

    Pelvic floor tension is a common yet often overlooked condition that can affect people of all ages and genders. The pelvic floor muscles, a group of muscles situated at the base of the pelvis, play a crucial role in supporting our core, controlling bladder and bowel function, and maintaining overall stability. When these muscles become…

  • Master the “Knack” and Say Goodbye to Embarrassing Bladder Leaks

    Master the “Knack” and Say Goodbye to Embarrassing Bladder Leaks

    Are those unexpected leaks turning moments of laughter, sneezing, or coughing into a frightful experience? It’s time to regain control over your bladder and wave goodbye to those embarrassing mishaps. Today, we’re excited to introduce you to a simple and effective trick for your pelvic floor known as the “Knack” – your secret weapon against…

  • Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Pelvic Floor

    Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Pelvic Floor

    Your pelvic floor is a crucial part of your body that often goes unnoticed until problems arise. It plays a vital role in supporting various functions, including bladder control, sexual function, and overall stability. Maintaining a healthy pelvic floor is essential for both men and women, and nutrition plays a significant role in its well-being.…

Pelvic Floor Tips For Back to School

Back to school and pelvic floor

Back to school can be an exciting but crazy time. New routines, changing schedules, and increased stress (possibly) can have an affect on our bodies, health, and pelvic floor. 

So here are 5 simple tips for EVERYONE (parents, teachers, and kids) to start your school year off on the right foot (or should i say pelvic floor)

Tip 1: Drink Water

Water is essential for a happy bladder and regular bowel movements. The general recommendation for water intake is half your body weight in fluid oz. When we are busy it can be hard to remember to get that fluid in. Try carrying a water bottle with you to make sure you drink enough H20 daily.  

Tip 2: Aim To Use the Bathroom Every 2-4 hours

Teachers are notorious for waiting FAR too long to use the bathroom during the school day. This can interfere with the signals the bladder sends the brain in regards to using the bathroom. Children too tend to hold their bladders or bowels too long while at school. A confused signal between these two organ can lead to issues including bed wetting, constipation, stress incontinence, urge incontinence, or pelvic pain. 

Tip 3: Eat Fruits and Vegetables 

A diet with good fiber can help with regular bowel movements and prevent constipation. Constipation is categorized by the sensation of having to strain or push when on the toilet due to firm or hard stool. This can lead to a variety of pelvic floor muscles issues. 

healthy eating

Tip 4: Don’t “Power Pee”

Speaking of pushing. We may be in more of hurry these mornings, but don’t rush your pee. We don’t want to push our pee out or “pee like a race horse”. The bladder is a muscle and this can weaken the bladder muscle as well as put excessive strain and pressure on the pelvic floor muscles. Instead sit, breathe, relax, and let the pee fall out of you.

Tip 5: 5 Minute Rule (Toilet Edition): 

On the flip side of things we also don’t want to hang out on the toilet too long. While privacy (and peace and quiet) might be very appealing while in the bathroom you don’t want to spend too long sitting on the pot. Sitting for greater than 5 minutes places unnecessary pressure and strain on the pelvic floor muscles which can lead to a variety of issues. 

Back to school is the perfect time to prioritize your health and wellness.

Reach out to learn more about how pelvic floor therapy can help you. 

-Dr. Monica

Moving Like A Mother Physical Therapy and Wellness