What can a pelvic floor physical therapist do?

A doctor of physical therapy is a movement and musculoskeletal expert. We know how to facilitate tissue healing and make your body and your muscles function in the most optimal fashion. A specially trained pelvic floor physical therapist can help you prepare for labor and delivery, address muscle aches and pains associated with pregnancy, address pelvic pain, painful sex, painful sitting, incontinence, diastasis recti and safe return to exercise after childbirth.

What are your credentials?

I received my bachelors degree in Exercise Science from Miami University in Ohio. I have my DPT (Doctorate of Physical Therapy) from Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science. I am a Certified Manual Trigger Point Therapist (CMTPT) through Myopain which allows me to perform dry needling when appropriate. I have undergone significant continuing education in the areas of pregnancy, postpartum, and pelvic floor rehabilitation. I am also a certified Pre and Postnatal Corrective Exercise Specialist through Core Exercise Solutions.

What can I expect at my first session?

During a Moving Like A Mother initial evaluation we will ask you a very detailed history and go over all your symptoms that you are presenting with. Based off your symptoms we will assess your posture, joint range of motion, tissue integrity and flexibility, muscular strength, breathing mechanics, and more. If you are being seen for pelvic floor therapy we will do an external assessment of your pelvic floor. Should it be determined that you would benefit from further assessment and consented we will do an internal pelvic floor muscle assessment in order to palpate muscles that may be responsible for your symptoms. From this we will determine your best treatment plan and give you initial exercises to start as part of your home exercise program.

Do I have to have an internal exam?

NO!  We can learn a lot about how your pelvic floor functions without ever doing an internal exam.  If you do not feel comfortable with this option for any reason we will not do one. Some patients deny internal exams on initial evaluation and want one later, some never want an internal exam and some schedule specifically because they want an internal exam.  YOU are in control of your body and the decisions to be made for your body.

I’m not pregnant or postpartum, can you still see me?

YES!! Contact us with any questions you have.

I had my last baby 30 years ago, can you still see me?

YES!! Postpartum is forever.

How do I schedule?

Fill out the form found here. We will be in touch within two business days.

What is the purpose of the free consultation call?

The consultation call is a free introductory call that helps determine if Dr. Monica would be the right fit for you. It can be used to discuss your pain, your pregnancy, birth plans, postpartum recovery, incontinence symptoms, or discuss your health fitness goals and help you determine next steps.

Do I need a medical doctor’s referral/prescription to see a physical therapist?

No. The state of Wisconsin direct access law allows physical therapy services to be provided for the following services, related to the work, home, leisure, recreational and educational environments: conditioning, injury prevention and application of biomechanics, treatment of musculoskeletal injuries with the exception of acute fractures or soft tissue avulsions. Wisconsin state law states physical therapy can be used preventatively in a wellness setting to prevent injury, provide conditioning, promote fitness, or reduce stress. A physical therapist shall refer a patient to an appropriate health care practitioner if the physical therapist has reasonable cause to believe that symptoms or conditions are present that require services beyond the scope of the practice of physical therapy. Physical therapist’s are highly trained in referring to other healthcare providers if it is believed physical therapy may not be the safest/best option for the client.

Do you accept insurance?

We are considered an out of network provider for all insurance companies. We are a cash based care system which prioritizes the client by taking out the middle man (insurance) and allows you to receive the best care possible without insurance being the one to dictate treatment. We are fully transparent with pricing up front so you will never end up with a bill you weren’t expecting. Cash based care provides greater freedom for the client to choose the care they desire.

Cash based care can also be less expensive than working through your insurance company. It would be beneficial for you to contact your insurance company to see what services are covered. For those with a high deductible plan you will often pay substantially higher prices for therapy until your deductible is met when working through a hospital based system. Furthermore, patients tend to get better faster and in fewer visits due to the quality 1:1 care cash based therapy allows.

If you would like to self-submit to your insurance company for reimbursement, we are happy to provide a super bill with all the information for you to submit. We will not submit any claims on your behalf. We do accept HSA or FSA cards for physical therapy sessions. We are a point of service practice, your card on file will be billed at each appointment.


We are now accepting Medicare insurance plans. Please contact us for more information.

More Questions?

Happy to answer any and all questions. Please feel free to reach out via email at info@movinglikeamother.com.