Top Reasons for Back Pain During Childcare

Between all the lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, running, squatting, grabbing, and maybe even rolling, taking care of kids is extremely physical. And all of these childcare activities can cause back pain as well as other annoying aches. I consider myself fairly fit and healthy and I have experienced back pain on and off as a result of caring for my children. 

And I am not alone. A study of childcare workers found that pain in the lower back was reported by 40% of workers, followed by pain of the neck (35%), and shoulder (16%). You want to know something? My mom (aka Nana) experiences occasional back pain too. She helps us out regularly with childcare and she does her fair share of wrangling a toddler and a baby. So this post is dedicated to my mom who helps us out with babysitting every other week.

Back Pain and Childcare


Grandparents as our Childcare Providers

I don’t know what we would do without my mom. My kids love Nana. She plans crafts, reads stories, and chases them around the house. But, (without sharing any specific numbers) Nana is over half a century old (sorry Nana).  And let’s be real, the body just doesn’t work the same the older we get.

Also, I know my mom isn’t the only grandparent doing us all a solid and helping out with childcare. In fact, according to Popsugar Family, the latest AARP data shows that 38 percent of grandparents play the role of babysitter or daycare provider. So actually this post is for all the Grandmas, G-mas, Grammys, Nanas, and GGs completely killing it as childcare providers. And I think every single mom could learn a helpful tip or two. 

We love you, our kids love you, and most importantly we love that you watch our kids for free…so please don’t get hurt. Keep reading to find out about the impact age has on our bodies and common activities that can trigger back pain during childcare. Also, make sure to follow my simple tips to avoid back pain and what do if all else fails.

The Impact of Age on The Body

Toddler and Back Pain

Let us quick address the elephant in the room and acknowledge that as we age our bodies change. These changes can place the body at an increased risk of injury during the challenging demands of childcare.

Decreased Muscle Mass:

With age there are changes in the nervous system and muscle connective tissue impacting the function of the muscles. Also people often become less active resulting in a decrease in muscle mass.  This impacts the stability of the joints during movement. Decreased strength also places your body at an increased risk of muscle injury.

Arthritis and Stiff Joints:

Arthritis is a natural side effect of aging. We all develop some degree of arthritis as we age due to decreased muscle mass (see above), decreased cartilage, and increased wear and tear. Arthritis can cause stiffness in the joints of the hips, knees, back, and neck decreasing your ease of mobility. 

Common Back Pain Triggers During Childcare

holding baby and back pain

Lifting From Crib

When picking up a child from the crib first pull the baby as close to you as possible. Then try to stagger your legs and bend your knees while trying to keep your back straight. Avoid bending or rounding your back.

Putting In/Out of Highchair

Remove the tray to allow the child to easily slide in or out of the highchair. When picking baby up brace your core and lift with two arms.

Lifting From Floor

Assume a wide stance and bend at the knees in order to lift with your legs. Alternatively you can stagger your feet and lift via a 1/2 kneeling position. Always brace your core and avoid bending and lifting with your back.

How to pick up a toddler to prevent back pain

Holding Baby or Toddler

When holding a child avoid putting them on your hip. This places stress and strain on your low back muscles. Instead hold the baby close to your body center with two arms. Keep your core braced and stagger your feet to reduce low back pressure. When holding a toddler encourage them to wrap their legs around your torso for even less pressure on your arms and back. 

Placing in Lap

Never sit and reach out to pick up and place a toddler in your lap. Instead stagger your feet, assume a lunge position grab child and slowly lower yourself down into the seat. Better yet, encourage the toddler to climb into your lap.


picking up a toddler to avoid back pain

Getting Off the Floor

Avoid sitting on the floor for prolonged periods of time. It is also best to avoid positions in which your knees are bent. This can cause joint stiffness and pain which will make rising to stand more difficult. When getting off the floor try to get near a support surface you can use to push/pull up on with your arms. Assume a 1/2 kneeling position, push through your planted foot and pull with your arms.

Tips for Preventing Back Pain During Childcare

Childcare and back pain

Maintain Good Posture

Keeping good posture with your shoulders down and back, spine erect, and hips under trunk will help you avoid injury. Bad posture sets your muscles up for failure. You can read more on the importance of good posture in my post Why Good Posture Matters

Strengthen Your Core

One of the best ways to prevent injury to the low back is to have a strong and stable core. Your core muscles protect your spine and decreases the risk of overuse injuries of the low back. You can find some great core exercises in my post 5 Core Exercises for a Better Belly

Practice Good Body Mechanics

Bending, lifting, and carrying the proper way is very important in the prevention of low back pain during childcare. You always want to make sure you are picking up and holding your baby or toddler the proper way. Be sure to follow the tips above and you can read more about everyday childcare body mechanics in my post Basic Baby Body Mechanics and Break Yo Mama’s Back (Body Mechanics Part II)

Stretch and Stay Active

When you regularly exercise your muscles stay stronger and more flexible. This will aid in the prevention of injury to your low back muscles when caring for babies, toddlers, and older children.

Treating Back Pain

childcare and back pain


If you unfortunately hurt your back muscles you want to give yourself a day or two of rest. Try to avoid strenuous movements and lifting or carrying anything heavy. Your muscles need a bit of rest and time to heal.


Ice is a great way to reduce inflammation in the muscles. Applying ice is best for a new (or acute) injury and should be used in the first 24-36 hours after an injury. After 36 hours it is ok to try heat which will bring blood flow and help to loosen tight muscles.


After an injury to your back you want to be sure to stretch and move the muscles. This will aid in the healing process and reduce pain and tightness. You can find some great stretches for your low back in my post Motherhood and Low Back Pain

Resume Activity

After a day or two of rest it is good to gradually ease back into activity. Of course you want to go slowly and start with activities that do not place excessive strain or pressure on your back. You should always check with your doctor if you continue to experience bad or unrelenting pain in your back.

Other Physical Side Effects of Childcare


Unfortunately, back pain is not the only complaint people have during childcare. Childcare is very physical and you may be experiencing pain in your:

Click on any of the above to read the associated post related to each of these body parts. Each post will include more detailed information on causes of the pain, pain prevention strategies, and possible treatment options.

Holding Babies and Toddlers and Back pain

Sharing is Caring

Thank you Grandparents for helping take care of our kids! We know it’s not always easy. Our children are busy, heavy, little balls of joy. So take a little extra time to protect your back with these helpful tips. Be sure to share this post with any loved ones, friends, or family who help take care of children. I believe we all could benefit from one or two of these tips to prevent back pain, no matter your age.


Back pain when caring for babies and toddlers

Why a backpack is better

There are probably 348293498 million different baby diaper bags on the market. Striped, flowered, solid print, one strap, two straps, backpack, satchel…hell there’s probably fanny packs. With so many options it can be very hard to know which is best. So, while I don’t have any opinion on the color or print of your diaper bag (that’s a lie…solid neutral tones are best) I have a strong opinion on the type of diaper bag you select. A backpack is best! No ifs, ands, or butts about it. For the sake of your physical well being please choose a diaper bag, everyday bag, or purse,  that is 2 wide straps and falls about midway on your back…aka a backpack. Here’s why a backpack is better.

Good for your body

A backpack is the most ergonomically friendly baby crap hauler. It distributes the workload evenly over both shoulders and therefore, over both sides of your body. When one side of your body is carrying a heavier, unequal workload it causes the opposing side to have to work extra hard to keep your body upright and in a balanced midline position. This constant extra work load on those muscles can lead to strains, muscle knots, and pain. 

Two wide straps

The diaper backpacks generally have two wide straps. Size does matter. Skinny or string style straps will begin to dig into your shoulders and upper trap muscles after time causing muscle strain and pain. Again, a wider strap will more evenly distribute the workload of the bag. And when you have diapers, bottles, sippy cups, wipes, three changes of clothes, sunscreen, toys, snacks, cellphone, wallet, water bottle and anything else you need to haul along you are gonna want that weight distributed. 

Two free hands

You will have two, I repeat, two free hands. You will need all the hands you can get when you’re trying to purchase something and simultaneously hold your toddler’s hand and put your baby’s pacifier back in. 

No swinging or dangling

With a backpack there won’t be any wild swinging that can come from a single strap bag. When we selected our first diaper bag I was very overwhelmed by all the options at Buy Buy Baby. I cried after first going into the store to register. No joke. So, I quickly picked the first thing I saw which was an attractive looking single strap, large diaper bag with lots of pockets. Even when I used it across my body it would swing all over the place when I tried bending over or reaching far outside by base of support banging into everryyyythinggg. So annoyingggggg. A well fitting backpack stays put right where it should…on your back. 


Honestly, the physical therapist in me is soooo happy that backpacks are in style. These days you can find a stylish backpack to use as a purse or kiddie-crap hauler. I actually have this one below from Amazon for little trips with my kids. It’s smaller and more stylish than the big diaper bag. And its waterproof and easily wipes clean if something get spilled. Plus the zipper opens on the backside so i can keep my wallet in it without fear of theft. 

TUCCH Backpack for Women, Anti-theft Ladies Casual Daypack Backpacks Lightweight Water Resistant Nylon College Rucksack Fashion Shoulder Work Bag for Travel/Business/Girls 15L, Black, Medium

I also think my husband prefers the backpack diaper bag look. It’s more manly and sporty looking than the traditional single strap diaper bag. Kyle can feel like he’s heading out a manly trek through the Wisconsin backwoods…although navigating the rough terrain of the neighborhood playground is a close second. Below is the diaper bag we have and I can honestly say me and my husband are big fans. Lots of pockets, thick well fitting straps, nice neutral color. Several of our family and friends have the same bag and our only issue is knowing which is ours when we go to social gatherings.

Diaper Bag Backpack, RUVALINO Multifunction Travel Back Pack Maternity Baby Changing Bags, Large Capacity, Waterproof and Stylish, Gray

There are a lot of options out there but do your body a favor and select a backpack style bag when picking out a new diaper bag or purse. Trust me, when you’re heading out to family gatherings, fairs, festivals (eventually), or just to the store, you will be grateful to have your 30# bag spread over two shoulders instead of one.


Picking out a diaper bag

Avoidance & Treatment of Neck Pain

What causes neck pain:

Having a baby and a toddler is quite the upper body workout. It is something I didn’t fully understand until I experienced it first hand. If you’re not endlessly holding your 15lb baby you’re putting your 30lb toddler in their booster seat. And in between wrangling your toddler into their car seat you’re picking your baby up out of the crib. I mean, I don’t think my shoulders have ever been so strong. No joke. And then in your “down” time you’re sitting slumped over trying to get your baby to latch, giving them a bottle, pumping, or just scrunched up on the couch too exhausted to move. All of this is setting your body up for neck pain.

My Experience with Neck Pain

Around the time my second baby was 3 months old I was doing some desk work when I began to straighten up and, BOOM, instant crippling pain right at the base of my neck. It was that sharp and intense pain when your eyes widen and you completely freeze. Crap. Instantly I knew I had strained something. 

Luckily, I work with many wonderfully skilled physical therapists (winky face emoji) who performed some manual techniques and were able to help sooth my immediate pain. But then it was up to me to correct muscle and tissue imbalances in my upper back/ lower neck region. To this day I can still feel small twinges giving me some warning signs that my neck will flare up if I don’t work to keep those muscles strong and if I am not careful with how I’m moving and caring for my kids.

So now I bet you’re wondering what I did to treat my neck pain. I rested, watched how I was lifting and holding my children, performed self massage, and did these exercises below. If you suffer from neck or upper back pain you can try these easy at home stretches.

Exercises to treat neck or upper back pain:

1. Prayer stretch– lay on your hands and knees with your arms outstretched forward. Tuck your chin and rest your head on the support surface. Hold for 30-60 seconds.

2. Levator scapula stretch– Depress your right shoulder. Grab the back right aspect of your head and gentle pull down towards your left foot. Angle of head should be towards your left armpit. (Sometimes i call this the “smell your armpit stretch”). Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 2x.

3. Chin tuck– Think about lengthening the back of your neck while tucking your chin in and down as though trying to give yourself a double chin. (Disclaimer: NO ONE looks attractive doing this exercise….but it’s good for ya) Repeat slowly 10 x.

4. Upper trapezius stretch– Depress your right shoulder and grab the right side of your head. Gentle pull towards your left shoulder. Hold for 30 seconds or more. Repeat 2x on each side.

5. Scapular squeezes- Keeping your shoulders down, pinch your shoulder blades together as if you were trying to get them to meet in the middle of your back. Repeat 10 times.

The best offense is a good defense so I highly recommend the tips below to avoid caregiver neck pain. 

Tips to Avoid neck/upper back pain:

  1. Avoid reaching or lifting far outside of your base of support 
  2. Switch the hip or side you are carrying your toddler or baby and don’t hold your child for too long (if possible).
  3. Try to hold your baby or toddler with both arms and as close to body center as possible
  4. Avoid a forward rounded posture with nursing or pumping
  5. Avoid sleeping propped up in a chair or couch

You learn even more lifting and carrying body mechanics in my basic baby body mechanics post.

Kids can be a real pain in the neck. Aren’t I punny? But if you try to maintain good mechanics and keep the postural muscles of your neck and back strong and limber you can avoid these common aches and pains. 

And on a positive note. All that baby lifting, holding, and carrying will really prepare you if you’re ever in a beer stein holding competition. I’ve won and I’ve got the t-shirt to prove it.


Good Stretches for Neck Pain

Basic Baby Body Mechanics & Ergonomics

What Are Ergonomics?

Ergo what-ee? Ergonomics. The study of people’s efficiency in their working environment. From a physical standpoint it’s setting up the space around you in order to prevent injury to the body. And body mechanics is how you move and carry your body. So I want to share some basic baby body mechanics and ergonomics. By just making some small changes you can promote good physical health in your working environment (aka your everyday life) and your back will thank you…and me.


Basic Baby Body Mechanic and Ergonomic Tips 

So, if your baby eats, poops, and wants to be held then check out these four everyday activities that you want to be sure you are performing with good body mechanics in an ergonomically friendly environment.


1. Diaper changes: 

Bad body mechanics

Don’t: Bend over at the waist to change your baby’s diaper. Bending over at the waist puts massive stress on your low back muscles placing them at risk for muscle strains. Commonly this occurs if changing diapers on a low surface like a couch or a pack N play.

Good body mechanics

Do: Use a changing table that comes to waist height. If you must use a low surface come down to your knees so you can still be low but your back remains straight.


2. Picking baby up: 

Bad body mechanics

Don’t: Try not to bend over at the waist with straight legs when picking your baby up from a low surface, such as the crib. Our back muscles are not meant to be put on massive stretch while contracting (what happens when we return to standing). Doing this repetitive type of motion is a recipe for a sore back.

Good body mechanics

Do: When picking a baby up from his/her crib try to stagger your legs and bend your knees while trying to keep back straight. If picking baby up from the floor try to squat down by bending your knees and keeping your back straight. Use two arms to pick up baby and bring baby close to your body center.



3. Holding car seat: 

Bad body mechanics

Don’t: While the car seat is great at protecting our babies it’s not great at protecting our backs. The car seat can quite possibly weigh more than your baby. So baby + car seat = VERY heavy. Don’t hold the car seat in one arm or too far away from your body center.

Good body mechanics

Do: Hold the car seat with both arms as close to your body center (your belly) as possible. Don’t carry baby in the car seat more than is necessary. Baby wearing is far more kind to your body but more on that in a later blog post.  



4. Holding baby while seated or nursing: 

Bad ergonomics

Don’t: It might not seem like this could do any damage but remaining in any position for too long when your body is not supported and in good alignment can cause a lot of pain. Do not sit unsupported or in an uncomfortable position. Avoid prolonged sitting (or nursing) with your shoulders rounded forward and head and neck flexed.

Good ergonomics

Do: Support your arms with pillows (the boppy pillow is clutch here). Use a small pillow at the base of your back for lumbar support. Keep the baby held close to your body. Try to keep your shoulders down and back. Make sure your feet are supported on the floor.



You can read more about lifting and carrying body mechanics in my post avoidance and treatment of caregiver neck pain. And obvioussssslyyy I know that true parenting life is wild and crazy and sometimes things are out of our control. Like when you have to pick your toddler up with one arm after changing his diaper on a low park bench at the zoo because your other arm is holding your 50# diaper bag because two kids come with a lot of sh*t. Both literally and figuratively. But just do your best. 

If unfortunately you still find yourself suffering from back pain, knee, neck, or foot pain check out theses posts below:

Prevent Neck Pain 
Stretches For Low Back Pain
Treat Your Knee Pain
Avoiding Foot Pain


Good luck!


How to Pick Up your baby