8 Moves For Your Inner Thighs (A 20 min HIIT workout)

Inner Thigh Workout

In the past I have I talked about how important the glutes were for the prevention of back, hip, and knee pain. And working the back and side gluteal muscles is great for having a nice toned booty. But we also need to acknowledge the inner thigh muscles when we workout.

The inner thighs is an area I frequently hear women wanting to “get rid of”. But sadly the coveted “thigh gap” is actually more associated with your boney alignment (aka how wide your pelvis is and the way your hip bones are aligned in your hip sockets) than with how toned and skinny your thighs are.

Don’t get me wrong, the inner thighs should definitely be a muscle group you want to pay some attention to. Strong inner thigh muscles (also known as your adductors) are very important muscles for stabilizing the pelvis during standing and walking. Also, if you are an athlete or a runner having strong adductors can prevent injuries such as a “groin” strain.

8 moves to work your inner thighs

So let’s show those inner thighs some love and work the bejesus out of them with this quick 20 minute inner thigh workout. This routine could also be considered a HIIT (high intensity interval training) inner thigh workout because it incorporates several high level jumping moves mixed with some balance/stability exercises. If you have knee pain I suggest taking out the jumping component and not going as deep into the squats.

8 moves to work your inner thighs

Before starting this HIIT inner thigh workout I suggest warming up with running in place, jumping jacks, or dynamic stretching. This routine alternates between a high intensity exercise and then a stability move to allow you to catch your breath. I suggest performing the exercises in the order below without allowing a formal rest break. Repeat the circuit three times.

Inner Thigh HIIT Workout:

1. Squat In & Out Jumps

Quickly jump in and out of a wide leg squat to a standard shoulder width squat. Keep weight back on your heels and toes pointing forward or outwards. Repeat for 30 total reps. (Bad knees modification: Step in and out of the two squat positions instead of jumping and don’t go as deep into the squat)

2. Sidelying Leg Lifts

Lie on your side with your core braced. Bend the top knee and place your foot either inside or outside your bottom leg. Keep your bottom leg locked straight and lift it up off the ground. Repeat for 15-20 reps each leg.

3. Curtsey Squat to Kick

Step your mobile leg back behind your stationary leg and lower into a squat position (like a curtsey). Press back up to standing and lightly kick your moving like out to the side. Repeat 10-15 reps each leg.

4. Leg Hugs

Lie on your back and lift both legs up in the air. Brace your core. (Place hands under your buttocks if you feel your lower back arching up off the floor). Slowly and with control let both legs fall out to the sides and then bring them back to meet in middle. Repeat for 20 reps.

5. Pliae Hops

Assume a wide stance squat position with toes pointing outwards. Keep your hips tucked and core braced. Lightly jump up and focus on a soft controlled landing. Repeat for 20 reps. (Bad knees modification: Instead of hopping perform pulsed squats in this wide stance position)

6. Frog Bridges

Lie on your back and place the bottom of your feet together with your knees bending outwards. Press through your feet to lift your hips off the ground. Slowly lower back to the starting position. Repeat for 20 reps.

7. Cross Jacks

Similar to a jumping jack; jump spread your feet and arms apart keeping shoulders at chest height. Jump back crossing arms and legs across midline. Repeat alternating the arm/leg that crosses in front. Repeat for 30 reps total. (Bad knees modification: Instead of jumping quickly step into and out in a similar fashion)

8. Standing Fire Hydrant

Stand on one leg. While maintaining good balance and keeping hips in a neutral position slowly lift one knee up to the side. Avoid dropping or dipping at the hips or waist. Perform slowly and with good control. Repeat x 15 each leg.

Looking for more hip/butt strengthening?

If you’re looking for more great at home workouts that use little to no-equipment be sure to check out:

4 for 4 (Four Resistance Band Exercises for 4 Muscle Groups)

HIIT The Stairs (A Total Body Stair Workout)

Working Out at Home (with your kids)

Have fun!



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