5 core exercises for a better belly (without a single crunch)

core stabilization

Why is it that when we think about core exercises a sit-up or crunch is the first thing that comes to mind? Maybe because they are the most common? I’m not sure. But a crunch is definitely NOT the most effective core exercise. As you have seen in my other posts about getting rid of the mommy pooch, stabilizing your pelvis, and the importance of the TA muscle there are manyyyyy other better and more effective core exercises out there. Doing crunches is a great way to fatigue your rectus abdominis muscle or “6 pack” muscles and make you feel like you’re just burning belly fat. However, for a better looking belly you are much better off trying out these 5 core stabilizing exercises. And guess what? There ain’t a single crunch.

5 no-equipment, at home core exercises

Exercise #1: Dead Bugs

Lie on your back. Contract and brace your abdominal muscles. Lift your legs to a 90 degree position and raise your arms overhead. Slowly extend one arm back while straightening your opposite leg just above the floor. Return to starting position and repeat on the opposite side. Perform slowly and with control while keeping your core engaged. (Say hi to Artie…my cat)

Perform for 5-10 reps each side.

Exercise #2: Plank

core exercise plank

Assume a position on toes and elbows with shoulders, back and buttocks in a straight line. Activate your deep core muscles by pulling your belly button in towards your spine. Avoid letting your low back sway down or hiking hips up.

Hold for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise #3: Elbow to Knee

Start in a hands and knees position. Extend one arm and the opposite leg to hip level. Bring that elbow towards the extended knee so they meet near your belly button.

Repeat 10 reps on each side

Exercise #4: Leg Lifts

Start by laying flat on your back. Place your hands under your hips or buttocks. Raise your head and shoulders up off support surface. Brace your core. Slowly raise your legs together upwards and then lower so they are hovering just over the floor.

Repeat 10 reps

Exercise #5: Bear Crawl Step Ups

Start in a hands and knees position. Raise your knees up off the ground so they are hovering parallel to the support surface. Slowly step each leg back to assume a plank position. Step feet back to return knees to just under hips without letting your knees touch the floor. Keep your core tight and braced throughout the exercise.

Repeat for 16-20 reps total.

Repeat these exercises for 3 – 4 sets. Ensure that your core is tight and braced throughout each exercise. For tips to ensure that you are appropriately bracing your deep core muscles check out how to activate your transverse abdominis muscle.

What’s next for core?

If you’re looking to improve your posture, decrease back pain, improve your athletic performance or just your overall physical well-being you need to start with the core. And yup…you can bet your bottom dollar I’ll be talking more about core in future posts. Luckily I’ve got loads more great core exercises up my sleeve. My recommendation would be to start with basic abdominal bracing exercises, progress to the exercises in this post, and then be sure to subscribe to the blog for future higher level core exercises.

Happy strengthening!



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