Back to school can be an exciting but crazy time. New routines, changing schedules, and increased stress (possibly) can have an affect on our bodies, health, and pelvic floor.
So here are 5 simple tips for EVERYONE (parents, teachers, and kids) to start your school year off on the right foot (or should i say pelvic floor).
Tip 1: Drink Water
Water is essential for a happy bladder and regular bowel movements. The general recommendation for water intake is half your body weight in fluid oz. When we are busy it can be hard to remember to get that fluid in. Try carrying a water bottle with you to make sure you drink enough H20 daily.

Tip 2: Aim To Use the Bathroom Every 2-4 hours
Teachers are notorious for waiting FAR too long to use the bathroom during the school day. This can interfere with the signals the bladder sends the brain in regards to using the bathroom. Children too tend to hold their bladders or bowels too long while at school. A confused signal between these two organ can lead to issues including bed wetting, constipation, stress incontinence, urge incontinence, or pelvic pain.
Tip 3: Eat Fruits and Vegetables
A diet with good fiber can help with regular bowel movements and prevent constipation. Constipation is categorized by the sensation of having to strain or push when on the toilet due to firm or hard stool. This can lead to a variety of pelvic floor muscles issues.

Tip 4: Don’t “Power Pee”
Speaking of pushing. We may be in more of hurry these mornings, but don’t rush your pee. We don’t want to push our pee out or “pee like a race horse”. The bladder is a muscle and this can weaken the bladder muscle as well as put excessive strain and pressure on the pelvic floor muscles. Instead sit, breathe, relax, and let the pee fall out of you.
Tip 5: 5 Minute Rule (Toilet Edition):
On the flip side of things we also don’t want to hang out on the toilet too long. While privacy (and peace and quiet) might be very appealing while in the bathroom you don’t want to spend too long sitting on the pot. Sitting for greater than 5 minutes places unnecessary pressure and strain on the pelvic floor muscles which can lead to a variety of issues.
Back to school is the perfect time to prioritize your health and wellness.
Reach out to learn more about how pelvic floor therapy can help you.
-Dr. Monica